Sunday, June 22, 2014

Windows 9 Might Allow Users to Disable Metro – Report

Windows 9 could bring some pretty big changes for desktop users


As I told you a few hours ago, Russian group WZOR posted some new details about Windows 9, the next full Windows version that's expected to see daylight in early 2015.

Now, the leakers have updated their original post to include some new tidbits about Windows 9 Enterprise, which, according to their statements, could include some pretty big changes for users of Microsoft’s modern operating system.

According to older reports, the Modern UI is expected to play a key role in Windows 9 and Microsoft is even planning some pretty significant improvements, not only for touch-capable devices, such as tablets, but also for desktop users who are still relying on the mouse and keyboard as the main input method.

What's more, people familiar with the matter said that the desktop might be completely gone in Windows 9 builds aimed at ARM devices that would only come with the Modern UI.

WZOR says that the Enterprise version of Windows 9 could however be shipped with options to disable the Metro UI, thus making the desktop the only working environment on the traditional PC. Of course, if the Enterprise version is the only one getting these options, expect the adoption of this particular OS version to grow at a very fast pace.

The Russian group also states that OneDrive integration might be removed from Windows 9 Enterprise, although this is very unlikely given the fact that Microsoft is investing a fortune into this kind of features in the existing cloud Windows features.

Overall, just take all of these with a grain of salt, but it's still good to know that Microsoft is at least thinking of letting users disable the Modern UI.

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